Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne – Review

Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne is a hard game but it is all the better for it. I have a long history with this game and I’m happy that finally I was able to finally beat it, and not only that, but with the best possible ending and beating all optional bosses. Before we get to the review itself, I’d like to share a bit of my personal history with the Shin Megami Tensei (SMT) franchise and how it led to Nocturne.

I beat this game in the last days of December (2017) but it took me more than a month to write a review for it. I think the reason why is because of how much it stuck on me. I’ll try to share my thoughts on this fantastic game and the reason why I think that every fan of JRPGs should at least give it a try at some point. With that in mind, let’s begin.

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Mana Khemia: Student Alliance Review

mana khemia coverAfter becoming a fan of the Atelier series since I played Rorona way back when it was released now I’ve decided to go back to some earlier titles. I always though a portable version of these games would be great so I could try out my alchemy skills anywhere and when I saw Mana Khemia: Student Alliance on the Playstation Store I decided to give it a go. Continue reading “Mana Khemia: Student Alliance Review”